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The Colorado Education Association released its annual report and legislative priorities. The union says it will fight any attempts to withhold money from schools.
During Thursday’s meeting, six board members aired their frustration over board member John Youngquist’s recent conduct.
In his State of the State speech, the governor reiterated that he wants to change how Colorado calculates student enrollment for state budget purposes. Lawmakers are weighing their options.
The current class size cap is 35 students.
Fewer students who are identified as multilingual learners have been testing high enough to exit services in recent years.
The Colorado Education Association released its annual report and legislative priorities. The union says it will fight any attempts to withhold money from schools.
During Thursday’s meeting, six board members aired their frustration over board member John Youngquist’s recent conduct.
In his State of the State speech, the governor reiterated that he wants to change how Colorado calculates student enrollment for state budget purposes. Lawmakers are weighing their options.
El estado aprobó 85 cambios de calificación de escuelas y distritos este año.
The current class size cap is 35 students.
Fewer students who are identified as multilingual learners have been testing high enough to exit services in recent years.
A guide on how to keep up with education issues in the Colorado legislature.
Five state lawmakers joined Chalkbeat Colorado for our Legislative Preview, a discussion of education topics likely to surface during the session. Here’s what they said.
Two new studies call for a large investment in K-12 education so Colorado can provide an adequate education to every student. The studies differ in how to achieve that goal.
Tobye Ertelt says more students are checking out books since the pandemic.
Gov. Jared Polis has increased his ask for the state’s new funding formula by $35 million for the upcoming fiscal year.
Superintendent Alex Marrero has fewer goals this school year, but he said the academic goals he does have are more ambitious.
We’ll be following state budget woes, climate science standards, and how Trump’s immigration stance may affect students.
“Las escuelas deben trabajar con otros líderes comunitarios, tener un mensaje preparado y tener un plan para recaudar dinero para ayudar a los estudiantes,” dijo Steve Joel.
El período de solicitudes para el preescolar gratis de Colorado en 2025 abrió el 17 de diciembre.
The lawsuit attacks charter schools and school choice, and accuses district leaders of wanting to convert ‘public resources to the private market.’
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The American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado is representing the students and other plaintiffs in the case.
The board will discuss the alleged violations committed by John Youngquist during a Jan. 9 meeting.
Public comment will be divided into two parts: one in which speakers can only talk about agenda items and another in which they can talk about anything.
Many school waitlists are shrinking.
Schools should work with other community leaders, have a message prepared, and have a plan to raise money to help students, Steve Joel said.
The window to apply is opening 2 months earlier than last year, and there are other changes.
Las universidades de Colorado seguirán un plan similar al de 2016 para ayudar a los estudiantes inmigrantes en los campus universitarios.
The goals are ambitious and meant to address some of the 880,000-student system’s thorniest challenges.
Boosting enrollment in the state-funded preschool program is one of Colorado’s key goals.
El consejo escolar de Aurora votará sobre la recomendación el 17 de diciembre. Las high schools integrales en el distrito han estado probando los materiales desde agosto.
The state approved 85 requests to reconsider ratings from schools and districts this year.
The Aurora school board will vote on the recommendation Dec. 17. The district’s comprehensive high schools have been trying out the materials since August.
About 6,000 students in Jeffco lost Medicaid, which had automatically qualified them as at-risk students.
The recommendation to change ASCENT is one of several about college and career offerings from a consulting firm commissioned by state lawmakers to study the issue.
A new Complete College America report shows why colleges and universities can help students achieve greater economic success, which in turn can lead to greater engagement in public life.
Colorado is one of several states to offer free school meals to all students.
Denver students from middle- and higher-income families have more than caught up on reading and writing. Students from low-income families have not.
Un distrito pedia que el estado no cuente los resultados de la prueba en las evaluaciones de los distritos por al menos un año.
The group wants to prioritize rural districts that often struggle to generate much funding from voter-approved mill levy overrides.
The five teachers were randomly selected from 140 applicants.