Assessment and testing

Many students are already studying for the fall 2025 SHSAT, but digital practice tests won’t be available on the Education Department’s website until the end of March, officials said.

Benchmark assessments from last school year suggest student achievement gaps are still wider than would be expected before COVID.

Memphis district had more schools earning A’s and B’s.

The goals are ambitious and meant to address some of the 880,000-student system’s thorniest challenges.

The state approved 85 requests to reconsider ratings from schools and districts this year.

Students statewide and locally showed gradual increases in math and reading scores in the 2024 spring exams.

Other countries posted gains in the first post-pandemic TIMSS assessment, but U.S. students are struggling, especially in math.

Are the policies making students better readers? Some officials are encouraged.

The Panel for Educational Policy will again postpone its vote on an upcoming contract for the Specialized High School Admissions Test as it seeks to solicit public feedback.

One superintendent wanted Colorado to remove the test scores from school ratings for a year.

Students will still take Regents exams across New York, but will not be required to pass them to earn a diploma.

New York education officials are expected to unveil new details about the state’s efforts to reimagine high school graduation requirements at a Board of Regents meeting next week.

At a meeting later this month, the city’s Panel for Educational Policy will consider a contract to tap the assessment company Pearson to develop a computerized version of the test.

On Michigan’s standardized tests, Detroit charter students show some gains in comparison to previous years. But they’re still struggling to return to pre-pandemic numbers.

The city’s notoriously complex high school admissions process opened Tuesday. Middle school kicks off Oct. 9. Families will soon be able to access their random number, or 'lottery' number, in MySchools.

The latest set of state standardized test results highlight the ongoing efforts needed to help students refine English language arts and math skills following pandemic-era learning disruptions.

New York City families can apply to more than 12 high schools this year, as well as any middle school across the city, the city’s Education Department announced.

Nationwide, 356 public and private schools earned 2024 Blue Ribbon status.

Pleasant Run Elementary in Warren Township has boosted its IREAD results through an all-hands-on-deck approach that involves students and families.