The study offers some hard evidence that the post-election months were a more fraught time in many schools.
The move ends two years of speculation about when DeVos would make the call about the guidance. Now, it's up to local officials to decide whether to change course.
The federal school safety commission says that efforts to address racial disparities in discipline have made America’s schools less safe.
It's a straightforward strategy to help ensure students from low-income families make it through college — give them money when they need it most.
It would be a victory for the conservative campaign to link school discipline reforms with unsafe schools.
The focus on expanding Mexican-American Studies is pivoting from higher education to K-12 schools in the Southwest.
How one teacher found success in teaching through the marimba.
IDEA Public Schools is inching toward putting its theories about how it can create a racially diverse school — and how that might benefit students — to the test.
KIPP network officials are allowing each of its regions to decide how to adjust how they discipline students — a strategy that builds buy-in but also comes with costs.
Schools have become fertile ground for anti-Semitic and other bias-fueled incidents — and in some cases, the setting for determined efforts to stamp them out.