From escape rooms to sun funnels, here’s how some of the nation’s science teachers are handling the plunge into darkness.
Looking for help addressing Charlottesville in class? Dozens of other educators have your back.
Here’s your guide to understanding when, why and how private schools can say no to some students.
One in 10 of Indiana’s voucher schools publicly shares a policy suggesting or declaring that LGBT students are not welcome.
How do schools in Indiana’s voucher program deal with LGBT students? Search for a school, city, or county to see their policies.
If such investigations begin, Anthony Davis Jr. of the NAACP’s youth and college division said that they could scare some schools away from enforcing affirmative action.
A new article detailing Betsy DeVos’s first months as U.S. ed secretary concludes that she’s “a mermaid without legs: clumsy, conspicuous, and unable to move forward.”
Only Florida, Arizona and Indiana received a B+ on ALEC’s 2016 Report Card on American Education.
The first charter teacher to be named national teacher of the year talked to Chalkbeat about how she teaches Columbus and the Puerto Rican debt crisis.
The ultimate fate of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, is unclear.