As schools in Michigan and across the country try to find solutions to teacher shortages, ‘grow your own’ pipeline programs are popping up.
Detroit Superintendent Nikolai Vitti reiterated a plan to offer four high school diploma options to students, beginning with the 2026-27 school year.
A special election for a millage proposal would cost the Detroit school district $1 million, officials said.
The Detroit-based program will be geared toward incoming 12th graders who come from a low-income household and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Enrollment begins early next year.
The Detroit school district has worked to increase AP offerings in all high schools and encourage students to take the rigorous courses.
The board delayed the decision in order to give the community more time to learn about the proposed changes.
There were 22 candidates running for three seats on the Detroit Public Schools Community District board.
Small gains in M-STEP performance signal significant progress for DPSCD.
Nicole Conaway is one of 25 people running for three seats on the Detroit school board.
Some current and former staff at Thirkell Elementary-Middle School have complained that the school had a retaliatory environment under the leadership of Stephanie Gaines.