The case has the potential to change long-held understandings of the line between church and state and what it means to be a public school.

The mayor’s office says it does not want to disrupt student learning. But what comes next for the Indianapolis elementary school is very uncertain.

The legislation applies to IPS and four other districts in which less than 50% of students within their borders attend schools operated by the districts.

The mayor’s Office of Education Innovation has expressed significant concerns about the school’s financial standing.

Many school waitlists are shrinking.

So-called ‘opportunity’ charter schools will be held to a different standard

Special education teachers keep leaving the profession, even as more students are being diagnosed. Efforts to attract more teachers to the field have had limited success.

Amendment 80 proposed to enshrine school choice in the Colorado Constitution.

Los resultados electorales más observados fueron los de la Enmienda 80 para agregar la elección libre de una escuela en la constitución, la cual no obtuvo suficiente apoyo.

We’re keeping an eye on school choice ballot measures, local school board races, and the top education officials in three states.

Here’s what it would do, who’s for it, and who’s against it.

In Hurricane Katrina's aftermath, New Orleans became an all-charter district. Student achievement improved, but some community members tired of the cycle of school closures.

Supporters say the ballot measure is about protecting parents’ rights. Opponents say it’s about private school vouchers.

Critics say Lee’s education platform promotes segregation and inequality.

St. Isidore, a virtual charter school, would teach Catholic doctrine and require attendance at mass. School leaders say they are considering their next legal steps.

American schools are far more integrated than they were before Brown v. Board. But 70 years after the decision, segregation is increasing in the large districts that serve many Black students.

The plan to transfer ownership of the School 110 building dovetails with the district’s expected renewal of its Innovation Network agreements with KIPP Indy.

The charter school bill that sponsors said was about accountability failed after hours of testimony Thursday.