Skip to main content2014 Denver School Rankings
By and | September 22, 2014, 8:35pm UTC Search for your Denver school’s 2014 ranking
Search tips
- You can select more than one school by holding down the “Ctrl” or “Cmd” button and clicking on as many names as you’d like to see.
- To see all schools with a certain rating, skip the “School Name” search box and click on a rating in the “School Rating” search box.
- To see more details on how schools fared on each portion of the SPF ranking, explore the full spreadsheet here.
Data notes
- This database includes school rankings for 2014 and 2013. For 2012, see our database here.
- If your school does not have a rating for 2013, that typically means it is a new school. So it also will not have data under growth categories.