Colorado Votes 2024
Election and education news, and voting results in Colorado's 2024 races and ballot measures.
School districts sometimes hire project management consultants to help oversee large bond projects.
The district hadn’t passed a tax measure since 2006.
Muchas de las medidas electorales exitosas este año no requerían un impuesto a la propiedad nuevo o más alto.
The $975 million bond ask was the largest in the district’s history.
The district asked voters to approve two school funding measures.
Many of the measures that were successful did not require a tax increase, according to unofficial election results.
Four seats on the nine-member board were up for grabs.
Amendment 80 proposed to enshrine school choice in the Colorado Constitution.
Budget cuts are likely as the district expects to run out of reserves as soon as 2026.
Wright will fill the seat vacated by former State Board member Stephen Varela until an elected successor is sworn in.
Esto es lo que haría la Enmienda 80, quién está a favor y quién está en contra.
Amendment 80 would put language about school choice in the state’s constitution.
Los votantes de Colorado pueden enviar su boleta por correo, depositarla en un buzón de entrega, o votar en persona.
Cuatro puestos vacantes en el consejo de nueve integrantes están disponibles para las elecciones del 5 de noviembre.
The last time the district asked voters for a bond or mill levy override was 10 years ago, and the measures failed then.
Cada noviembre, alrededor de Colorado, los votantes deciden sobre medidas fiscales para las escuelas. Aquí le explicamos.
Here’s what it would do, who’s for it, and who’s against it.
Four seats on the nine-member board are up for election on Nov. 5.
A 2022 state law allowed counties and local marketing districts to use lodging tax dollars for child care and housing — if voters approve.
Aurora has the largest request on the ballot in the November election: a $1 billion bond that would pay for three new schools.