Following philanthropy

The program serves 85 Indiana counties but only two ZIP codes in Marion County, leaving more than 60,000 kids in the county without access.

The process of getting the 2023 gift from Mackenzie Scott was exciting and mysterious, leaders at Early Milestones Colorado said.

N.J. Gov. Murphy announced $25 million in funding for preschool expansion. It may have implications for infant and toddler care.

Colorado non-profit Parent Possible, which supports parenting and promotes school readiness, receives an unexpected $1 million.

Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott has doled out more than $150 million to school districts in recent weeks.

The Bill and Crissy Haslam Foundation launches a statewide summer tutoring program aimed at steming learning loss during the coronavirus pandemic.

Gideon Stein and Alice Cain: The coronavirus offers a chance to change how education philanthropies collaborate.