Revised legislation would allow districts to charge families tuition for students who aren’t in the country legally, in a challenge to federal law.
The proposals are unconstitutional, the sponsors acknowledge. Enactment could set up a challenge to federal protections in place since 1982.
Local school boards have passed resolutions in support of immigrant students. The State Board has not traditionally used resolutions to make statements, but did on Wednesday.
Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver habían solicitado que los tribunales restablecieran una norma previa que trataba a las escuelas como “lugares sensibles” donde medidas de control de inmigración no deben practicarse a menos que hubiera un peligro inminente para la población en general. El juez dijo que no.
Experts say there are a few big barriers to ICE raids at schools. And keeping students at home due to immigration enforcement fears carries its own risks.
Denver Public Schools had asked the court to reinstate a previous policy that treated schools as “sensitive locations” where immigration enforcement should only take place if there is immediate danger to the public. The judge said no.
Aunque los agentes de inmigración pueden realizar arrestos en escuelas, los expertos afirman que es difícil ya que hacerlo podría generar una fuerte reacción política.
Abogados para el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE. UU. dicen que el distrito escolar de Denver no puede demostrar que las medidas de control de inmigración han ocurrido cerca de escuelas ni que han causado suficientes daños.
Administrators at Acero Schools’ Soto High School and Idar Elementary said they escorted two students into the building away from the incident. The federal agents did not enter the building, charter officials said. Federal immigration authorities confirmed the action Thursday.
DPS filed the lawsuit in an attempt to void a Trump administration policy that clears the way for immigration enforcement to take place at “sensitive locations,” including schools.
“Donald Trump, ¿no oyes?”, coreaban. “¡Los inmigrantes son bienvenidos aquí!”.
The board had received lots of communications asking them to affirm their support and clarify their guidance to schools.
Some families and educators in New York City are preparing students for what to do if they run into federal immigration agents outside of school.
La demanda se presentó una semana después de que redadas en edificios de apartamentos en Denver y Aurora causaran temor entre estudiantes y familias.
The lawsuit was filed a week after raids on apartment buildings in Denver and Aurora caused fear among students and families.
United Federation of Teachers President Michael Mulgrew blasted Mayor Eric Adams over the confusion, calling the shifting guidance “a selfish political ploy.”
Two Aurora teachers talk about how their students experienced last week’s immigration raids.
The bills would block undocumented children from attending public schools, or require schools to collect data about students’ citizenship status.
The massive protest took place on the same day that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided apartment buildings in Denver and Aurora.
They are also asking community members to call on school boards and district officials to make the changes.