Skip to main contentRemainders: Teachers question mayor's post-Sandy work order
By | November 2, 2012, 12:50am UTC - City school buildings have been housing Sandy evacuees since Sunday. (Insideschools, SchoolBook)
- A city teacher lists six big questions that leapt to his mind about Friday’s teacher workday. (B Niche)
- A teacher praises Mayor Bloomberg’s Sandy response, except for his decree about teachers. (Mr Foteah)
- On behalf of marooned teachers, a UFT chapter leader pleads for telecommuting. (Labor’s Lessons)
- A Brownstone Brooklyn family’s commute to their private school went smoothly today. (SchoolBook)
- This weekend’s Specialized High Schools Admissions Test date has been rescheduled. (Insideschools)
- Aaron Pallas says the data show no narrowing of the achievement gap under Bloomberg. (Eye on Ed)
- The U.S. Department of Education extended its deadline for Race to the Top Districts. (Politics K-12)
- Georgia’s charter school funding rules are fueling the dollars vs. efficiency debate. (Southern Ed Desk)
- One city school is conducting a survey to produce its own Where are they Now report. (SurveyMonkey)
- A new report concludes that teachers unions vary in strength from state to state. (Teacher Beat)