Find your school's drug offense history

Signs like this adorn many U.S. schools.

Colorado schools statewide reported a spike in drug incidents in 2009-10, according to figures compiled by the state Department of Education.

Some educators blame the legalization of medical marijuana – others aren’t so sure. Read the EdNews’ story “Schools report sharp rise…

What’s happening at your school? Click in the boxes below to see a three-year history of drug offenses and their disposition by school. The first results page gives an overview of 2009-10. Click on the “details” link to see the full data for 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10.


Click here to load this Caspio Online Database app.*Schools may impose more than one penalty for drug use, possession or sale, such as an expulsion and a referral to law enforcement. The number of incidents does not always equal the number of sanctions.

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