Rise & Shine: Day of Common Core test score reckoning is here

  • After much anticipation, new, lower state test scores are being released today. (NY1, Times Union)
  • Early reports suggest that proficiency rates for city students fell by around 50 percent. (Post)
  • The decline bodes ill for other states that have adopted the Common Core learning standards. (WSJ)
  • U.S. schools chief Arne Duncan said the drop is acceptable. (GothamSchools, SchoolBook, Daily News)
  • Mayoral candidates used the scores to attack Bloomberg’s education policies. (GothamSchoolsWSJ)
  • Former chancellor Joel Klein says the low test scores should be seen as a sign of positive change. (Post)
  • The Daily News urges candidates to welcome the “reality check” of lower scores, not use them as fodder.
  • The Partnership for New York City’s CEO praises the Common Core for preparing students. (Daily News)
  • A city teacher says she’s okay with lower scores as a new baseline if they boost teaching. (Daily News)

In other news:

  • A judge ruled that the city can legally give siblings preference in admission to gifted programs. (Post)
  • Comptroller hopeful Eliot Spitzer filmed an ad inside a charter school, using children as extras. (Post)
  • A group of education bigwigs narrowed a pool of 20 “Heroes” finalists down to winners. (Daily News)
  • Atlanta is trying to reinvigorate its school system with a $147 million comprehensive high school. (Times)