College and career readiness

The accounts pay for high schoolers to learn about everything from aviation to HVAC directly from local employers. But it’s not easy to get basic information about the program.

About 84% of Colorado’s class of 2024 graduated within four years of starting high school. See how your school did.

Gov. Kathy Hochul will move to limit cellphone use in New York schools this year, she said during her annual State of the State address in Albany.

Los consejeros y los asesores universitarios han alentado a estos estudiantes a completar el formulario porque algunas universidades ofrecen becas independientemente del estado de ciudadanía.

Nineteen of the 30 schools selected for the first Journalism For All cohort are in the Bronx and Brooklyn, and the schools have an average student poverty rate of 84%.

Counselors have long urged students with undocumented parents not to fear filling out financial aid forms. With Trump returning to office, some are having second thoughts.

The paid apprenticeships through EmployIndy could serve as a roadmap of what’s to come for other Indiana high schoolers.

13 Newark students will receive a debt-free education at Rutgers-Newark

The letters helped spur a dramatic spike in CUNY applications, which multiplied nearly fivefold last fall compared to the year before.

Grieve helped attract private companies to get involved with the city’s new career-connected learning opportunities, including intensive apprenticeships.

Through an Albert Einstein College of Medicine summer program, these Bronx high schoolers gain hands-on experience working in cancer research labs.

A coalition of rural school districts pooled their resources to buy state-of-the-art equipment and offer students more opportunities in their own backyard.

Projects can support instruction or address structural challenges to learning, like food insecurity.

The U.S. Department of Education plans to again delay the FAFSA, but has promised a fully functional system after a problematic revamp that upended the college-going season.

The proposed diploma rules would prioritize workplace readiness and create three “seals” indicating preparedness for enlistment, employment, and enrollment.

Los estudiantes que pasaron su primer año de estudios a distancia se gradúan esta primavera. Esto es lo que un estudiante de Detroit aprendió sobre la pandemia.

Millions of members of the Class of 2024 started high school online and off camera. This Denver student learned lessons she’ll carry with her to college and beyond.

“Typically at this point, all students would have financial aid packages from all their schools,” said Mark Stulberg, director of college counseling at North Star Academy’s Lincoln Park High School.