At least two Colorado high schools will cut their Latin programs in the coming years.

About 6,000 students in Jeffco lost Medicaid, which had automatically qualified them as at-risk students.

Students at STEAD School in Commerce City make everything from bison Bolognese to Vietnamese bánh mì sandwiches.

Many of the measures that were successful did not require a tax increase, according to unofficial election results.

The district pilot is being considered to start at Thornton Elementary School and Thornton Middle School next fall.

It’s the district’s first contested school board election in six years.

Ben Helgeson harassed the superintendent and a teacher over the equity plan and anti-racist training courses

La cantidad de estudiantes inscritos se ha triplicado desde agosto conforme otros se van enterando.

The district’s top leader is retiring. Since Pat Sandos’ announcement, the school board is dealing with accusations of bribery, petitions to speed Sandos’ departure, and a delay in naming a replacement.

Cada vez más niños están en duelo por la pérdida de uno de sus padres, pero pocos programas de apoyo existen.

The district says resources to help those students — from free transportation to rental assistance — are nearly maxed out.

Cherry Creek schools is funding a pilot program with nonprofit Judi’s House to create the curriculum.

Un número creciente de distritos escolares de Colorado ofrecerá almuerzo gratis a todos los estudiantes el próximo año, incluidos los de Denver, Douglas County, y Greeley-Evans.

Westminster is among several Colorado districts that have boosted starting teacher salaries recently, with Cherry Creek recently announcing a $57,000 floor. 

Homeowners may have been better off paying the higher property taxes the district first asked for, the study suggests.

Latino students at BVSD are about 3.5 times more likely to be suspended than white students. The district and parents disagree on how to address the longstanding problem.

5 veces más probable que a los estudiantes latinos en BVSD los suspendan, en comparación con los estudiantes blancos, según muestra un análisis del Boulder Reporting Lab de datos del distrito.